After more than 7 years of successful development of our LT-Extender software, we have to finish this now.
This is the bad news for our customers
The development, distribution and support of LT-Extender software has been ceased.  Torsten Moses, February, 20th 2009
This is the good news for our customers
"No Shadows without Lights ..."
even with all this tragedy and dramatic events which have forced us to this decision, there are also interesting and good news :
There is a highly efficient and interesting alternative for "AutoCAD LT + LT-Extender" -
the future of LT-Extender is :

Why do we think that BricsCAD is a highly efficient and interesting alternative ... ? Details ...

Developers will get their free BricsCAD development license here Registration ...
BricsCAD V24
BricsCAD offers AutoCAD users the well-known standard user interface
DWG fileformat compatibility up to and including AutoCAD 2022

the maximum compatibility to AutoCAD programming interfaces ADS, Lisp, ARX, DCL, VBA, COM 

For all your questions - we are here to assist you as best as possible - please contact us at any time :
Phone : ++49-30-5530620,  Email: [email protected]
Here are more good news for our customers

We have startet to develop AddOn applications for BricsCAD - and we will provide more software for BricsCAD in the future, and also port out AutoCAD applications to the BricsCAD platform.
Available applications for BricsCAD : BcadTools-Freeware


These websites www.LT-Extender.de and www.LT-Extender.com as well as all related email addresses will remain for at least 1 year, to provide all effected and interested customers and CAD users with news and details about our future strategy, plans and software - we are also prepared for a new, centralised company website for TM-CAD Engineering.